Information and Communication technology have changed every sector of communication. With today's technologies, software testing has become an integral part of meeting the demands of any company's customers. Customers want to know more about a company's systems, softwares and components.

Customers want to use softwares with quick response to commands upon request. They want to use softwares that will perform the actions they want them to perform within the shortest time possible. Constant usability is what they are looking for. As such, softwares which will not be affected by what others are doing and what customers want. Therefore, companies and customers need to be certain about the software they have so that they can ensure they use softwares that meet such standards.

Automated software testing is an evolutionary process conducted to determine if a software or system meets the above standards. This is a very important process considering the fact that computers have almost taken over majority of the functions in our society which used to be manual. Therefore, this testing process is important for the following reasons;
  •   The process helps companies in avoiding errors. This is because unlike humans, computers do not get tired even after multiple tasks
  •    More accurate results. Humans will more often skip a test or make mistake. Computers will rarely do that
  •     Automated testing process will record results in selected data base. This is very important in analyzing the software performance
  •   The testing program will not find bugs in varied situation. This is because it will not vary every time it will be used.

Many people and companies have different opinions about this kind of testing process. Some are of the idea of a developer testing their own work. However, others are of the idea that with this kind of testing, one may overlook some bugs that a software will not.

Nevertheless, when implemented properly, this process can help an individual or company save money and to some extent time.